Create your own logo

Create your own logo fast with this step by step tutorial for the most common tools available. Download our pre-built templates to try by yourself the tool you feel more confortable.

Create your own logo

Create your own brand in Google Docs

    1. Create a new Drawing on Google Docs
      You’ll get a canvas to start adding items
    2. Click on T icon to create a text
      And type your text. Then choose a font and size, color and alignment.
    3. Search for icon/image
      On the left side, try a search including the “icon” text. Something like “spaghetti icon”
    4. Draw the shapes with Drawing Tools on Word
      Under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Insert Shapes group, click the More button . Under Lines, click Curve . Click where you want the curve to start, drag to draw, and then click wherever you want to add a curve. Then, add a text with your business name and choose a font in the font menu.

Open Google Drawings
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Create your own logo on Photoshop

You will need to have some Photoshop basic skills here, but is a fast an good way to create your own logo

    1. Download this template
      And open it in Photoshop
    2. Goto
      Search for an icon that matches your business or logo idea. Try related searches not just the obvious. (eg. for a restaurant search for “plates” or “tasty” not just “restaurant”)
    3. Download the icon as .EPS
      Then place it in Photoshop (File >> Place). Scale it to the desired size and press enter
    4. Edit text
      Click on text layer and click on text tool to edit your business’s name. Then choose a cool font from character menu (ctrl+T)
    5. Save it as JPG or any other image format
      Click File >> Save as to choose the desired file format

Download Photoshop Logo template
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Make your own logo on Illustrator

You will need to have some Illustrator basic skills here, but is a fast an good way to create your own logo

    1. Download this template
      And open it in Illustrator
    2. Goto
      Search for an icon that matches your business or logo idea. Try related searches not just the obvious. (eg. for a restaurant search for “plates” or “tasty” not just “restaurant”)
    3. Download the icon as .EPS
      Then place it in Illustrator (File >> Place). Scale it to the desired size and press enter
    4. Edit text
      Click on text layer and click on text tool to edit your business’s name. Then choose a cool font from character menu (ctrl+T)
    5. Export it as JPG or any other iamge format
      Click File >> Export… to choose the desired file format

Download Illustrator Logo template
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Design your own logo with

This is a pretty easy way to get create your own logo without an icon or image, but a professional look in minutes

    1. Goto
      You will find many categories. Click on TOP fonts
    2. Type your business’s name
      Click on the text field (upper right) and type your text. Then select “large” in te options, and Submit.
    3. Scroll… scroll…
      Now you just need to scroll down to search for a cool text logo
    4. Take a close screen shot
      On Mac press Command+Shift+4 and select the area over your selected logo. On PC, press the Print-Screen key. Then open Word and paste (crtl-v). Now edit the placed image on Image Tools, Crop, to crop it over your logo.
    5. Export it as JPG or any other iamge format
      Click File >> Save as… to choose the desired file format

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